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Perfect for Printables, Amazon Activity Books, Creating Your Own PLR and More
Fully Customizable with Unrestricted Rights!
I know you've seen them, I've run into these fun puzzles in dozens of activity books but never knew what they were called.
Let me show you...
Now the concept is fun and they're okay but I knew I could come up with something better, more fun, and and and.....
**yes, you might know the theme of the book, but let's keep going**
I wanted to make a tool that would allow the creation of these puzzles with the click of a couple of buttons. Had to be super easy, only take a minute AND ANYONE COULD DO IT!
Grab Your Favorite Images To Make Puzzles Out Of. You can use both color or black and white.
You can just generate a puzzle but you might want to change a couple of things to your liking
Press the button to create your puzzle and then download your creation AND a SOLUTION
Change the number of missing pieces and the size with just a couple of clicks
Automatically include instructions for a ready to go puzzle or printable
Make your own coloring books or add them to your activity books that you can sell on Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and others.
Print them out. Add them to printables for baby showers, birthday parties, placemats and more.
Add them to physical products like coffee mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts and more
Post your Puzzle images on Social Media. People love trying to figure them out! Think of the engagement you'll get!!
Create your own PLR products. Give them away as lead magnets or sell them for others to use. Your unrestricted license lets you do all that!
Our amazing web based software that allows you to quickly make Missing Piece Puzzles
The ability to add your own graphic images
Options to change the number and size of missing pieces
Ability to include instructions, save as Grayscale and Hi-Rez
A complete set of video tutorials over the software and creating your first pictures
Access to a "Customer Only" Facebook group where you can interact with other like-minded people. Book publishers, printable creators, kindle authors, physical product creators and more.
Top notch support always ready to help
Some Quick Questions and Answers
Kind of. I know, weird answer. Not for this product there is one upsell where I'm going to make you a special offer on joining Puzzle Publishers. You don't need it but you might want it :)
We give you an UNRESTRICTED license so you can use the puzzles where ever you want. On personal projects, commercial projects, and even create your own PLR. There's no catch.
You can make as many as you want. We don't put any restrictions. In fact, we hope you'll make a ton of puzzles for printables, books and more.
Copyright © Puzzle Publishers / Colourfull Creations 2024